Publications from the GEM&L community

Mike Szymanski & Carlo Brighi

“Do you understand me correctly?” The role of accents in communication in global virtual teams Mike Szymanski & Carlo Brighi Journal of International Management Abstract This study investigates the role…

Veronika Lovrits

Linguistic authority in the context of European mobility: addressing the empty promise of élite multilingualism Veronika Lovrits ABSTRACT This qualitative study examines linguistic authority in an international department of a…

Research from Michał J. Wilczewski

“Bridging cultures with love”: Spirituality in fostering intercultural effectiveness. The effects of language Michał J. Wilczewski and co-authors Oleg Gorbaniuk, Arek Gut, and Mariusz Wołońciej   Abstract Research yields contradictory…

Claudine Gaibrois

When ‘struggling with English’ becomes ‘passivity’: how language asymmetries in higher education get masked as ‘cultural differences’. Claudine Gaibrois Culture and Organization Abstract This paper contributes to the study of…

Felipe A. Guzman & B. Sebastian Reiche

A chorus of different tongues: Official corporate language fluency and informal influence in multinational teams Felipe A. Guzman & B. Sebastian Reiche Organizational Behavoir and Human Decision Processes 182 (2024)…

Natalie Victoria Wilmot

Language as a Source of Epistemic Injustice in Organisations Natalie V. Wilmot Journal of Business Ethics, 2024 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-024-05644-9 Abstract: Although there is now a substantial body of literature exploring the…

Komal Kalra & Wade Danis

Language and Identity: Exploring the Dynamics of Linguistic Clustering in Multinational Enterprises Komal Kalra & Wade Danis Journal of World Business, 59 (2024) Abstract Research on language diversity in international…

Hilla Back & Rebecca Piekkari

PLT Consulting: Navigating Inclusion as a Linguistic Minority Hilla Back & Rebecca Piekkari https://www.iveypublishing.ca/s/product/plt-consulting-navigating-inclusion-as-a-linguistic-minority/01t5c00000CBmeuAAD Synopsis In 2021, Robert, a highly qualified immigrant from the United Kingdom, had recently joined PLT…

Sazzad Talukder & Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen

Exploring the language choice dilemma of international small firms: A social exchange perspective on English-only versus multilingualism Sazzad Talukder & Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen International Business Review 33 (2024) 102257 Abstract In…

Veronika Lovrits, Hélène Langinier & Sabine Ehrhart

French and language ideologies in a multilingual European Union institution: Re-constructing the meaning of language choice at work Veronika Lovrits · Hélène Langinier · Sabine Ehrhart International Journal of Cross…

Hilla Back & Rebecca Piekkari

Language-based discrimination in multilingual organizations: A comparative study of migrant professionals’ experiences across physical and virtual spaces Hilla Back & Rebecca Piekkari Journal of World Business Volume 59, Issue 3, April 2024

Luisa Weinzierl

Bridging the Boundaries of Corporate Language Competence in Multinational Teams Luisa Weinzierl Business and Professional Communication Quarterly Online first https://doi.org/10.1177/23294906231221135  

Sylvie Chevrier

What we inherit and what we create. Making the case for an interpretive approach to societal cultures. Sylvie Chevrier International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 2024, Vol. 0(0) 1–27

Helena Karjalainen & Diana Santisteban

« Cas en management interculturel – Vol. 2 » Helena Karjalainen & Diana Santistevan (eds) Abstract Dans un monde globalisé, la gestion des différences culturelles est devenue plus ardue. En…

Michal Wilczewski & Guro Refsum Sanden

Expatriate-Host Country National Interactions: A Bibliometric, Thematic, and Content Analysis Review Michal Wilczewski & Guro Refsum Sanden Academy of Management Proceedings August 2023

Kristina Humonen & Jo Angouri

Revisiting Ethnography and Reflexivity for Language-Sensitive Workplace Research Kristina Humonen & Jo Angouri In book: Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts: Advances in Language‐Sensitive Management Research,…

Michał Wilczewski & Ilan Alon

Language and communication in international students’ adaptation: a bibliometric and content analysis review Michał Wilczewski & Ilan Alon Higher Education (2023) 85:1235–1256 Abstract This article systematically reviews the literature (313…

Madeleine Bausch

On How Intercultural Management Education Can Increase the Societal Legitimacy of Business Schools Madeleine Bausch   Chapter in Debating Business School Legitimacy  February 2023, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-12725-0_9   Abstract Business schools…

Helene Tenzer & Markus Pudelko

International Journal of Human Ressource Management Special issue on language Guest editors : Helene Tenzer & Markus Pudelko The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34:21

Natalie Wilmot, Mary Vigier & Kristina Humonen

Language as a source of otherness Natalie Wilmot, Mary Vigier & Kristina Humonen International Journal of Cross Cultural Management, 2023, Vol. 0(0) 1–22 DOI: 10.1177/14705958231216936 Abstract Language is now firmly…

Jos Hornikx, Frank Van Meurs and Helene Tenzer

Foreign languages in advertising: Theoretical implications for language-related IB research. Jos Hornikx, Frank Van Meurs and Helene Tenzer Journal of International Business Studies, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-023-00639-6 Abstract Given the multilingual nature of…

Johanna Niskavaara & Rebecca Piekkari

Migrants, Language and Internationalization of Small- and Medium-Sized Entreprises: A Literature Review. Johanna Niskavaara & Rebecca Piekkari Book chapter. In A.I. Mockaitis (ed).The Palgrave Handbook of Global Migration in International…

Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Claudine Gaibrois & Natalie Wilmot

Perfection, hybridity or shutting up? A cross-country study of how language ideologies shape participation in international business Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen, Claudine Gaibrois & Natalie Wilmot International Business Review, Online first. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2023.102189…

Natalie Wilmot

Language Management: From Bricolage to Strategy in British Companies. Natalie Victoria Wilmot Bristol and Jackson, TN: Multilingual Matters, 2022. 176 pp. ISBN: 978-1-80041-592-8

Komal Kalra and Mike Szymanski

Alike yet distinct: The effect of language diversity on interpersonal relationships within national and multinational project teams Komal Kalra and Mike Szymanski Management and Organization Review, 2023  Abstract: This study examines…

Maranda Ridgway, Hélène Langinier

The evolving field of global mobility: responses to global volatility (2013–2022) Maranda Ridgway, Hélène Langinier Journal of Global Mobility: Volume 11 Issue 3  

Päivi Karhunen & Anne Kankaanranta & Tiina Räisänen

Towards a Richer Understanding of Language and Identity in the MNC: Constructing Cosmopolitan Identities Through “English”’ Management International Review, 63, 2023 Bringing in insights from sociolinguistics, this conceptual paper advances…

Rebecca Piekkari, Claudine Gaibrois & Marjana Johansson

A Review of Language-Sensitive Research in International Business: A Multi-Paradigmatic Reading Rebecca Piekkari, Claudine Gaibrois & Marjana Johansson Journal of Comparative International Management Volume 25, No 1, 2022 Abstract This…

Mike Szymanski, Ilan Alon & Komal Kalra

Multilingual and multicultural managers’ effects on team performance: insights from professional football teams. Szymanski, M., Alon, I., & Kalra, K. (2022) Multinational Business Review, 30 (1), 40-61.

Madeleine Bausch, Christoph Barmeyer & Ulrike Mayrhofer

Facilitating factors in the cross-cultural transfer of management practices: The case of a German multinational in Brazil Madeleine Bausch, Christoph Barmeyer & Ulrike Mayrhofer International Business Review, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101921 Abstract The…

Mike Szymanski & Komal Kalra

Performance effects of interaction between multicultural managers and multicultural team members: Evidence from elite football competitions. Szymanski, M. & Kalra, K. (2021). Thunderbird International Business Review, 63 (2), 235-251


Quand le local rencontre le global : L’introduction de l’anglais déstabilise les pratiques de translanguaging dans une entreprise frontalière HÉLÈNE LANGINIERUniversité de StrasbourgEcole de Management de Strasbourg, Humanisand SABINE EHRHARTUniversité…

Sierk Horn, Philippe Lecomte, Susanne Tietze (eds).

Managing Multilingual Workplaces Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives Sierk Horn, Philippe Lecomte, Susanne Tietze (eds).This book sets new trajectories for language-sensitive business and management research and pedagogy. This book provides a…

Guro R. Sanden & Almasa Sarabi

Knowledge Sharing in MNCs: A Human-Centered Approach to Language Strategies Guro R. Sanden & Almasa Sarabi Academy of Management Proceedings, August 2019

Philippe Lecomte

Recension de l’ouvrage de Geneviève Tréguer-Felten ” Langue commune, culture distinctes, Les illusions du Globish”  Philippe Lecomte RFG n° Vol. 45 n. 278 (janvier-février 2019) Recension RFG de Felten

Guro R. Sanden

Language Management in International Business: The Role of Multinational Corporations Guro R. Sanden Academy of Management Proceedings , 2018

Dorte Lønsmann & Guro R. Sanden

Discretionary power on the front line: a bottom-up perspective on corporate language management Dorte Lønsmann & Guro R. Sanden European Journal of International Management 12(1/2):111  

Andrew R. Linn, Guro R. Sanden & Rebecca Piekkari

Language standardization in sociolinguistics and international business: Theory and practice across the table: Interactions and Policies; English in Europe Volume 5 Andrew R. Linn, Guro R. Sanden & Piekkari Rebecca…

Michał Wilczewski, Anne-Marie Søderberg & Arkadiusz Gut

Intercultural communication within a Chinese subsidiary of a Western MNC: Expatriate perspectives on language and communication issues Michał Wilczewski, Anne-Marie Søderberg & Arkadiusz Gut Multilingua – Journal of Cross-Cultural and…

Jane Kassis-Henderson, Linda Cohen and Rosalind McCulloch

Boundary Crossing and Reflexivity : Navigating the Complexity of Cultural and Linguistic Identity Jane Kassis-Henderson, Linda Cohen and Rosalind McCulloch Sage, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 2018, Vol 81(3)  

Geneviève Tréguer-Felten

Langue commune, Cultures distinctes : Les illusions du globish Geneviève Tréguer-Felten Presses Universitaires de Laval, 2018  

Philippe Lecomte, Helene Tenzer & Ling Eleanor Zhang.

“Working Across Language Boundaries: New Perspectives on Language-Sensitive International Management Research”. Philippe Lecomte, Helene Tenzer & Ling Eleanor Zhang European Journal of International Management, Special issue (Volume 12, Issue 1/2),…

Mary Vigier & Helen Spencer-Oatey

The interplay of rules, assymetries in language fluency, and team dynamics in culturally diverse teams: Case study insights Mary Vigier & Helen Spencer-Oatey Cross Cultural & Strategic Management,  December 2017…

Guro R. Sanden & Dorte Lønsmann

Coping on The Front Line: A Bottom-up Perspective on Corporate Language Management Guro R. Sanden & Dorte Lønsmann Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017

Guro R. Sanden

Language: the sharpest tool in the business strategy toolbox Guro R. Sanden Corporate Communications An International Journal, 2016 Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the…

Amy Church-Morel & Anne Bartel-Radic

Skills, Identity, and Power: The Multifaceted Concept of Language Diversity Amy Church-Morel & Anne Bartel-Radic Management international 21(1):12-24 Abstract The study of the multilingual character of multinational companies has grown into…

Gerlinde Mautner

Discourse and Management Gerlinde Mautner palgrave critical management studies, 2016

M. Y. Brannen, T. Mughan (Eds.)

Language in International Business. Developing a Field M. Y. Brannen, T. Mughan (Eds.) Series: JIBS Special Collections click here for more details  

Nigel Holden, Snejina Michailova, Susanne Tietze

The Routledge Companion to Cross-Cultural Management Nigel Holden, Snejina Michailova, Susanne Tietze Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, London & New York http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415858687/

Susanne Tietze

International Management and Language Susanne Tietze Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy First published 2008